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Known service availability issues

We apologise for the following service disruptions. If your query relates to one or more of the issues below, please be patient while we work towards a solution.

Service Availability

Temporary issues with Curtin systems

Curtin systems are experiencing temporary issues. During this time you may encounter issues accessing or updating information in ePay, eStudent or online forms such as Assessment Extensions.

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Contact OASIS

This form is only for problems you are experiencing related to logging in to OASIS. For other problems, please log in and view the help or use the support form located in OASIS.

Have you checked OASIS Help? It may contain the answer to your question.

Provide your current contact details. These details will be recorded on your student record.
In order to assist with your login issue we will need to authenticate your identity.
Are you currently enrolled in units at Curtin?
Answer any THREE of the following questions.